Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MTH Contest- Need your help...

I recently submitted a video entry for a contest with Music Teachers Helper is doing a contest. The grand prize is a lifetime membership! I use MTH and absolutely LOVE it!  I’m a little late in the “game” so now I just need your help! I would REALLY appreciate it if you…

1. Visit the Music Teachers Helper Facebook page (if the link doesn't work then just search for Music Teacher's Helper on Facebook)
2. Find my video submission- “Ode to Music Teachers Helper” by Jennifer Foxx
3. Then Like, Comment AND Share (Likes= 1 point, Comments= 2 points and Shares= 2 points which makes for a total of 5 possible points)
I think my video (and “Ode”) is worth the grand prize. This is a contest I REALLY would like to win, but I can’t without your help so THANK YOU so much in advance for helping! I REALLY appreciate it!

Thanks so much, I hate having to ask for likes and such, but this is a contest I REALLY want to win!

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