Congratulations Caitlin, Chloe, Irleand, Katarina, Jason and Logan for a job well done performing Wild Dance. They performed along side with 15 other performers on stage. Great Job!!!
Here's a picture of them waiting in the back pods before the concert begins.
And a picture of them performing.
(To see a sample of what the PMTA ensemble is go to:
This month our group lesson was on Theme and Variations. We listened and reviewed Haydn's "Suprise" Symphony No. 94. Haydn is one of the composers we are learning about this year.
Students also took part playing in a percussion ensemble with the Suprise Symphony theme. We listened to the different variations inside the theme and figured out what made the variation. (Dynamics, tempo, rhythm, etc...) Afterwards we played a music trivia board game that Katarina made for her Creative Project for Keyboard Gymnastics.
Great job for all those who are participating in the Ensemble playing Wild Dance last night! You survived the first practice. Yeah! Keep up the good work. Only two more practices, one dress rehearsal to go and then it's the big day!